Staff & Leadership
Pastor Christopher Tweel
I grew up in the church. I was lucky. I would fall asleep listening to my mother practicing hymns on the piano for the choir she directed. And hearing my Uncle debate theology with the family from his work as an episcopal priest. My first taste of communion wine was handed to me by my great aunt, who with a look of seriousness only someone born in Lebanon could achieve, grounded me in the power that the Grace of God could have on my life.
Serving in the church for over 20 years has taught more about that same power, the loving kindness we can have for each other even as we debate or disagree, and the sweet and heartfelt movement of our hymns and worship songs.
My ministry has always been centered on greeting people at their current moment, and encouraging them to move forward in faith as they seek to negotiate the changes and experiences that life has for us all.
My family and I have lived in the Richmond area for 12 years, and love to get out on the river in our canoe, hike with our dog Figgy, and play outside. My wife Leah is our resident artist and research expert who enjoys eating tasty Richmond foods and the occasional podcast mystery. Our daughter Amara loves all forms of art and keeps us on our toes with her ice skating, kung fu and love of chorus. In my spare time I love to write short stories and game modules as well as doing a fair bit of gardening, hiking, and riding my bike with family.
Director of Children & Youth Ministries, Stacy Deyerle
Stacy has a heart for nurturing spiritual growth in people of all ages and stages of life. She is passionate about non-traditional worshipping communities and making space for those who find themselves on the margins of the church and those suffering from religious trauma. Stacy considers herself a post-evangelical deconstructing/reconstructing Jesus follower. Stacy has a background in missions, having served as Local Missions Minister for a nearby congregation, where she managed a food pantry and related services. She studied secondary education at University of Richmond, and has worked with students in various settings from preschool through high school for nearly 30 years. She recently received her MDiv from Union Presbyterian Seminary, and was ordained by Williamsburg Baptist Church in September 2024.
Stacy grew up in Blue Ridge, Virginia (near Roanoke). She and her husband Rusty have lived in western Henrico for 28 years of their 30 years of marriage. Their daughter Emily is a William & Mary grad who lives in Atlanta and is pursuing a PhD in biology at Georgia Tech. In her free time, Stacy enjoys reading, audiobooks, theater, movies, and cooking. She has two elderly dogs, TJ (shih tzu) and Blue (Australian shepherd).
Music Director, Chelsea LaMonica
Professional choral director and life-long vocalist/pianist, Chelsea LaMonica has been making music in church since she was very young - whether singing solos or following her father around the pews during his own church choir rehearsals. It was as a member of the Rooke Chapel Choir at Bucknell University, however, that she first felt called to share music as a director. Following her graduation from Temple University with her Masters of Music in Choral Conducting in 2012, she accepted that calling and served as the Director of Music at Christ Church UCC in Elizabethtown, PA, leading the music ministry there from 2013-2015.
Since 2015, Chelsea has been the Middle and Upper School Chorus Teacher at Fredericksburg Academy in Fredericksburg, VA. Chelsea and her husband Steve both teach at the same school (Steve teaches History and Latin) and have lived in Virginia with their two wonderful dogs for seven years. In their free time, both Steve and Chelsea can be found playing board games, discussing all things nerdy, taking their dogs for daily “pack walks,” and reading. Chelsea could not be more excited to continue the music tradition at Three Chopt Presbyterian Church.
Director of Promises Preschool, Courtney Bevan
Courtney Bevan has spent the last 15 years in the education field. She has her Bachelors in Psychology with a concentration in Early Childhood Development and her Masters in Teaching. Courtney has an extensive background in childhood development, behavior management for children ages 3 years old to 7 years old, teaching, parent education, and served as the Assistant Director of a local church preschool.
Courtney is a native to Richmond and loves everything Richmond has to offer. She is a mom to 3 boys, Carter, Wyatt, & Brooks, who all attend school in Henrico County Public Schools and has been married to her husband, Randy, for 11 years. She volunteers with the Lab Rescue of Greater Richmond through fostering labs in need and social media content for their various social media outlets. She has 2 Labs at home- Reese (chocolate lab) and Bryson (yellow lab). When she isn't serving at Promises, Courtney enjoys traveling, anything near water, and volunteering at her home church and children's school.
The Session
Class of 2025
Cran Davis, Mission & Justice
Elizabeth Howell, Finance & Stewardship
Betsy Jackson, Worship
Karen Martin, Personnel
Lois Watkins, Children & Families and Evangelism & Fellowship
Erin Williams, Administration
Class of 2026
Barclay Bradshaw, Youth & Families
Tom Carrico, Adult Nurture
Deacon Ministry
The office of Deacon is a historic office of the Presbyterian Church. In the New Testament, Deacons were appointed to care for the distribution of food and other necessities to the poor and needy members of the church.
The Board of Deacons of TCPC is a body of believers called to ministry and servanthood by Jesus Christ. We are called by God and elected by members to serve under the authority of scripture and the Session of TCPC. We acknowledge that the Holy Spirit empowers us to this ministry of compassion, care, and communication throughout the congregation and our community.
This is done in a number of ways: communicating and praying for members of our church family and friends; staying connected and involved in the life of the church; knowing and recognizing when a special need exists in the congregation; welcoming and shepherding new members, prospective members and visitors; serving and supporting individuals and families in times of joy.
The Board of Deacons
Class of 2025
Cathy Curfman
Marcia Davis
Leslie Frazho
Dory Morris
Alan Wentz
Class of 2026
Ellen Carrico
Kristin Flohre
Barbara Jackson
Donna Wade, Moderator
Congregational Nominating Committee
Class of 2026
Tom Carrico
Becky Gusich
Class of 2027
Carol Campfield
Becky Emmett