Local Community
The Lord has told us what is right and what he demands: “See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God.” Micah 6:8
After spending his life and ministry serving others, Jesus told his disciples, “I have set an example that you should do as I have done for you.” At TCPC we serve God by serving others. Our Food Pantry works with FeedMore on a weekly basis to provide help to those who need it. Our monthly 5 Cents A Meal offering goes to support the goal of ending hunger in our community and world. Our building provides space to groups such as Career Prospectors and AA as they reach out to people. We believe God calls us to love in Jesus’ name.
TCPC Food Pantry
TCPC is a proud Feedmore partner agency, distributing nutritious food to families every Tuesday from 5:00-6:30 pm in the Lower Fellowship Hall and parking lot.
There is great need for support in our community. In 2021, a total of 21,168 guests were served. In 2022, the TCPC Food Pantry served 7,677 families with 31,609 members for an increase from the previous year of 10,441 individuals served in our community. Each Tuesday, our Food Pantry volunteers distribute at least 5,000 pounds of food. For the year 2022, over 260,00 pounds of food were given to our neighbors in need. Contributions to support this vital ministry are greatly appreciated.
RISC Justice Ministry
Our congregation is a covenant member of Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities (RISC), a grassroots organization made up of 24 congregations throughout Richmond, Henrico, and Chesterfield.
RISC shines a light on systemic community problems,researches best practices from other communities, partners with experts and non-profit providers to solve issues, brings truth to power in large numbers to ask decision makers to take targeted actions, and holds decision makers accountable for their commitments.
Congregations that covenant members of RISC commit to preach, teach, plan, and work toward the vision of making our congregations places where justice is just as important as mercy and faithfulness. Congregations commit to building an effective justice ministry network, with the mission of powerfully addressing community problems through the broad involvement of our congregants and to invest in the financial sustainability of RISC.
Rise Against Hunger
This fun, hands-on service project is perfect for all ages. Please come if you’re two or ninety-two! Each year, we partner with Rise Against Hunger, an international hunger relief organization that distributes food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable. We package over 10,000 meals in about two hours! The event includes assembling packages of rice, soy, vegetables and flavoring mix that includes 23 essential vitamins and minerals. This project is a great way to involve the whole family in missions. Learn more about this organization on their website: http://www.riseagainsthunger.org/.
YMCA Bright Beginnings
In partnership with the YMCA’s Bright Beginnings program, each August we have a Backpacks event, packing backpacks with school supplies to help kids in our community start the school year with the supplies they need.
Career Prospectors
Career Prospectors is a very active networking group for workers in transition that meets weekly on Tuesdays at 7:30 am. We provide mentoring, training opportunities, refresher techniques for interviewing, resume writing, timely gathering of job information, and general support as you travel your path to a new career position. Career Prospector & Jam where you may join, provides event details. The Career Prospector LinkedIn group supports job seekers with contacts and job postings. For information, contact Charlie Wood at CharlieWood@AttributesForSucccess.com.
Christmas Giving
Each year during the Christmas season, we collect donations for organizations like CARITAS, Butterfly Babies, and other organizations that offer support for local families and children.