Keeping Kids Connected
In our ministries to children and their families within our church and community, we seek to teach and model our faith in a way that facilitates our children’s discovery of what Christianity really is in relationship to God, ourselves, and others; setting in motion a natural curiosity and desire to continue their journey of faith through adolescence and into adulthood.
To stay up to date on the latest activities, it’s helpful to be on our children & families email list. Please email us at kids@threechoptchurch.org to get on our email list or to ask questions.
Sunday Mornings
Nursery Care
Where your child will learn that church is a safe and loving place.
Available for children ages 0-3 in the Nursery
Every Sunday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. September through May and from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. June through August.
Busy Bags
Busy bags are provided in a basket outside the sanctuary doors for our youngest worshippers. A resource table with a variety of supplies to help all ages engage in the worship experience is located just inside the sanctuary doors. These tactile and creative worshipping resources are offered during all services. We hope that people of all ages and abilities find meaningful and lasting ways to hear and respond to our worship service. We’re excited to offer these options and hope that your family can enjoy an embodied worship with our church.
Children's Blessing & Children's Worship
Children’s Blessing
Children are welcome to the front of the sanctuary for a brief Children’s Blessing during all worship services.
Children’s Worship
Following the Children's Blessing in our 9am/10am services, children are dismissed to explore the day's scripture in an age-appropriate fashion.
Age 3 – Grade 5 / During 9:00 Worship (Sept.-May) and during 10am Worship (One Service Sundays and June-Aug)